Share what matters with admissions teams.


Complete an in-person or online recorded 16-18 minute interview.


Complete a 30-minute digital writing sample.


Choose which schools receive the Interview.

Watch an introduction to the Vericant Interview and why it is an important part of an application.

The Graduate Interview in Detail

Structured behavioral-style interview

Behavioral interview questions focus on past experience and facilitate interesting conversations. Rather than testing knowledge in any particular area, the interview questions are designed to help admissions officers learn more about personality, interests, and the way the applicant approaches challenges.

Warm up

Before camera starts, ~5 min

Spotlight Question

08:00 – 12:00 min


0:00 – 3:00 min

Study Abroad Question

12:00 – 16:00 min

In-depth Question

03:00 – 08:00 min

Free Speech

2 min max

Register for the Graduate Vericant Interview

Plan ahead — limited offline interview slots available during peak seasons between July and November.

30 minute writing sample

The applicant can choose between two different questions: analytical or practical. If in-person, the applicant will be provided with a desktop computer for a typed digital sample.


Analytical: Do you agree with smoking bans in public places?

Practical: You’ve been asked to plan an event that shares something about your culture. What will you do and how will you get it done?

See which universities accept the Vericant Interview

Top institutions across North America use the Vericant Interview as part of their application process.

Send interview to universities

3 or 2 business days after the Interview, the interview video and writing sample will be delivered to the applicant’s online Vericant dashboard. The applicant is then able to:

Highlight a section of the interview for admissions officers to watch first

Submit the interview and writing sample to any accepting institution worldwide

Send ‘hearts’ to 3 selected universities to demonstrate a strong interest

Or…book another interview without losing the first — every interview remains on the dashboard

Register for the Graduate Vericant Interview

Plan ahead — limited offline interview slots available during peak seasons between July and November.

Review Pricing for the Graduate Vericant Interview

Add-ons such as fast delivery available.

Register for the Graduate Vericant Interview

Plan ahead — limited offline interview slots available during peak seasons between July and November.